Super Seven
Super Seven
Super seven is a combination stone and consists of amethyst, smoky quartz, rutile, cacoxenite, lepidocrocite and goethite in rock crystal.
Super seven has a strong transformational effect.
It promotes personal and spiritual development, increases spiritual skills and knowledge, and strengthens intuition.
The stone works as a kind of antenna for energy and creates a bridge between you and your guides and light beings, other worlds and dimensions, sources of spiritual knowledge, past lives and all energies here on earth.
It also opens and activates all chakras and increases your spiritual power and talents (such as your abilities as a healer, clairvoyant, medium, telepathy, divination) or brings them to the next level.
Super seven can be used during for example meditation or shamanic journey or any other state where you are open to receiving knowledge, insights and spiritual guidance.
Super seven can change color under the influence of bright sunlight.
Chakra; All.