Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli is a stone of wisdom, enlightenment and insight.
It clears the mind and has a positive effect on memory, intellectual skills and the absorption and processing of information.
The stone promotes self-insight, harmonious relationships and friendships and reduces loneliness.
It makes social and compassionate, calms anger and irritation and promotes clear and honest communication. On the spiritual level, it strengthens spiritual skills and intuition and encourages spiritual development.
It aids in astral or shamanic travel and in making contact with guides and angels.
Physically, lapis lazuli has a cooling, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and blood pressure lowering effect.
It has a positive effect on the throat, larynx, vocal cords, thyroid, hearing, eyes, skin, heart rhythm, blood circulation, nervous system, brain, dizziness, balance disorders, insomnia, headaches, migraines, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, autism and recovery from a brain infarction or TIA.
Lapis lazuli is best not cleaned with water.
Chakra: throat chakra (5th) and forehead chakra (6th)
Starsign: virgin and archer